遙距營商計劃 D-Biz

遙距營商計劃 D-Biz政府資助三十萬元申請日期2020年5月18日(詳情容後公佈)受疫情影響,遙距工作或服務模式成為新趨勢。在「防疫抗疫基金」下,創新科技署推出「遙距營商計劃」,以支援企業在疫情期間繼續營運和提供服務,計劃透過快速批核,資助企業採用資訊科技方案,開拓遙距業務。 在計劃下,每個資訊科技方案連同僱員的培訓開支的資助額最高為10萬元,而每間企業可獲最高30萬元總額資助,進行為期最長六個月的資助項目。 


• 網上營商; 

• 網上接單和送遞、智能自助服務系統;

• 網上客戶服務和推廣; 

• 客戶數碼體驗升級; 

• 數碼支付/流動裝置零售管理系統; 

• 線上/雲端財務管理系統; 

• 線上/雲端人力資源管理系統; 

• 遙距文件管理、雲端儲存及遠端存取服務; 

• 網上會議工具; 

• 虛擬團隊管理和溝通; 

• 網絡安全方案;及 

• 其他線上/度身訂造/雲端業務支援系統。 

想得到更多資訊 , 請立即按此登記 

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Live Webinar - Digital Contract Workflow For Logistics Industry In Hong Kong - 7th May 2020

Learn how e-signature to reinvent your business operations under pandemic for Logistics Sector

Webinar Date: May 7th, 2020. 11:30am - 12:15pm HK time 

 Language: Cantonese 

Some things you may care: 

- Looking for immediate result in cost saving (20% cost saved in 30 days) 
- Engaging new eCommerce market (Cutting-edge new sales channel)
- Facilitating full digital business process under pandemic (New form of team collaboration and how SaaS based e-signature ensuring your business continuity and enhancing the efficiency for both your staff and your customers) 


It is not rare to see on newspaper that people are scrambling daily stock or empty store. Physical trade/distribution is always demanding in logistics industry and business opportunities are anywhere even now. However, why always the logistics giants can grab this opportunity and my business are always not catching up or suffering? The key point is how your business utilizes the technology to minimise your cost while enhancing the efficiency. It is the worst of times to do business, but it is the best of time to reinvent your business tho. Please join our webinar to learn how e-signature help your company to save cost and reinvent your business operations in 30 days.     

Register Now: 

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Event of Innoxcell Asia Symposium 

Top Professionals Technology Company Limited is proud to partner with Ricoh Hong Kong Limited to present Cost Recovery Solution in Innoxcell Asia Symposium (IAS 2015) at 15th April 2015. IAS 2015 is Asia’s largest and most comprehensive legal and regulatory compliance 3-days-conference focusing on variety of Legal, Regulatory, Compliance and Legal Technology. We joined this event with Ricoh to show off a complete end-to-end solution which including the cost recovery system Equitrac Professionals and Ricoh latest Multi-functional-device. Together it's is a powerful management system designed to help legal firms track client costs, optimize output devices and support environmental sustainability.

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Nuance Communications Inc Partnership With TOPPROT

Nuance Communications Inc partners with TOPPROT to provide an enbanced imaging solutions includes Equitrac, eCopy ShareScan, eCopy PDF Pro, SafeCom and AutoStore.

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