How OneSpan Sign eSignature Work

An eSignature solution designed for organizations both large and small

See how OneSpan Sign balances ease of use with the highest levels of security and compliance to deliver a risk-free eSignature solution for all your business needs

Advanced Security & Compliance

Compliant and secure eSignature
We deliver document security and integrity by applying a digital signature and tamper seal after each person has signed. Our solution can invalidate documents and signatures if changes are attempted between signers. In addition, we offer the most comprehensive audit trails in the market, allowing you to easily prove compliance and deflect legal disputes.
OneSpan Sign is built on leading infrastructure services and is compliant with ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27017, ISO/IEC 27018, SOC2 Type II, HIPAA, FedRAMP, and other stringent requirements to ensure your documents are kept safe and secure. 

Third Party Integrations / Partners

Extensive pre-built eSignature connectors for your everyday business apps
We offer a number of pre-built connectors for third party applications like Salesforce, Pegasystems, LaserFiche, SharePoint, Box, Dynamics CRM, and Office 365. With these connectors, we’ve done all the integration work for you – no coding or IT resources necessary to get started with eSignatures inside the business applications that you know and use every day.
OneSpan Sign: How to E-Sign a Document (from e-mail)

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Business Continuity During COVID-19​

Around the world, consumers and businesses now rely more than ever on the ability to sign financial agreements and loan applications online. ​
As governments issue economic stimulus and relief packages for businesses affected by the outbreak, financial institutions can support their business clients with expedited digital loan processes and e-signatures.